Tag: reading 2023

Let’s Discuss – Dawn Raids 3

Today we had a discussion about Dawn raid, Our two main topics were “What do you think of Sofia” and “Was the doctor rude towards Sofia’s Mum”. We didn’t do too bad but wee also didn’t do to good, that means it was a so-so. We managed to keep our two lives, the two lives was apart of the game where we had to keep up the conversation without breaking the Ground Rules, while somebody got there on life and lost them Twice. Either way we got it over and done with.

Dawn raid part 2

Walt: Monitor ourselves to read through a novel

This week we had to do another slide about the same book “Dawn Raid”. These slides had comprehension questions and two task to do, of your picking of course. I enjoy reading this book because it has plenty of information and plenty of comedy. It is very enjoyable.