Month: November 2023

Term 4 DLO 2023

This term, we had to create a project that would help the school. We decided (Myself, Elijah, Jacob and Tumanako) that we were going to make a bench but we only got through the prototype. Sadly the project got destroyed mid way through it’s creation, cause of death: To many nails… But with all that aside, it was a fun journey none the less. I hope you enjoy this journey with us as we go back in time before the destruction of the bench.

Tinkercad project – Hovercar

Ladies and gentleman, Boys and girls, today is marked as the day that we show something new to the world. Please welcome… THE HOVER-CAR!!! This hover-car will help us improve the environment and you go anywhere at remarkable speeds! Also, who wouldn’t want to see the environment from up high. This car will also be able to get around world at astonishing speeds whilst making sure that the car is well charged bringing me to my next point. This car will be powered by electricity and there will be special stations for such a thing. THey will be everywhere. So what do you think?