Term 4 DLO 2023

This term, we had to create a project that would help the school. We decided (Myself, Elijah, Jacob and Tumanako) that we were going to make a bench but we only got through the prototype. Sadly the project got destroyed mid way through it’s creation, cause of death: To many nails… But with all that aside, it was a fun journey none the less. I hope you enjoy this journey with us as we go back in time before the destruction of the bench.

Tinkercad project – Hovercar

Ladies and gentleman, Boys and girls, today is marked as the day that we show something new to the world. Please welcome… THE HOVER-CAR!!! This hover-car will help us improve the environment and you go anywhere at remarkable speeds! Also, who wouldn’t want to see the environment from up high. This car will also be able to get around world at astonishing speeds whilst making sure that the car is well charged bringing me to my next point. This car will be powered by electricity and there will be special stations for such a thing. THey will be everywhere. So what do you think?


One last thank you to KPMG

Kia ora KPMG staff,

If you are reading this, then I would just like to say thank you for inviting us to your company building so many times this year. I thank you for teaching us new things and keeping us happy and safe. We enjoyed everything you did for us, I believe we all know everyone loved the food. I can’t wait to hear what the next batch of Pt Englanders learn or do at KPMG, Thank you for the tours, Food, Lessons and much much more. God bless you KPMG, may the lord bring good fortune upon you.


Best Regards: Leonidas.J

Explanation writing – 20 Minute cities


Remember the T.I.I.C structure.

T TitleWhat you will be explaining
I IntroductionTell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.
I Information – Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence
C Conclusion – Final summarizing statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.


Title What are the benefits of “20 Minutes” cities?
Introduction What are 20-minute cities and all their benefits? Here’s a quick explanation on what a 20-minute city is. A 20-minute city is a community where you can commute or travel from your house to another building in… well… 20 minutes! So now let’s talk about some benefits. 

1st element

The first benefit is time and travelling. Necessities like the supermarket (Pak’nsave), movies, hospital, chemist, and plenty more would only be within a 20-minute radius. Traffic wouldn’t have to be a problem when getting to school or work because all you’ll have to do is walk there. This can help you get to places on time and it also helps with your mental and physical health. It helps with mental health by not having to stress about traffic and lateness. Also, your physical health would be affected because of all the walking you’re doing, according to “Village Chiropractic”, by walking 20 minutes a day you lose at least 100 calories. Now if you multiply 100 by 365, you lose about 36500 calories a year, and don’t forget the fact that you could add to that by adding your daily walking to other places. Now, it’s time to move to the second benefit.   

2nd element

This second benefit is Health and safety. Safety would be at your doorstep in moments. If your house was just about to get broken into, the police would be there in at least 5 minutes depending on how fast they were going. Health would be just as good because the ambulance would also only be there in under 5 minutes, imagine your wife was going into labour or your friend was bleeding out on the carpet, the ambulance would only be one call away. Now to the last benefit. 

3rd element

My last benefit is communities and mentality. 20 minutes cities would help people communicate with others easily. Also with the fact of traffic being at an all time low, mental health would be out the roof. Communities would thrive because of their connections with everyone and not only that, you would feel safe around others because they would feel safe around you.
Conclusion So there you have it, three benefits of a 20 minute city. Not only would these be helpful in your life, you would only need to work such a distance to get to places. Life would be simple, work would be less stressful because you wouldn’t have to worry about getting there on time and you would have a great community to work with. You would be safe around others and with others. If you were in trouble the police wouldn’t be that far.

For the past two weeks, for our writing we have been getting ready for our writing test. Our test is going to be based on explanation writing, so we were tasked with making an explanation writing task about three benefits of a 2o minute city. A quick sum is that a 20 minute city is a city that has your daily needs within a 20 minute walk, thinks like hospitals, shops and all those would be in a short distance.

Extension Manaiakalani Script



Dear Future Government, We thank you for everything good you’ve done for us. We ask you what would you change about Aotearoa. Well, we kids have some ideas for you. Number 1, We think that elders should get a discount on all prices unless it’s already cheap because gas prices can be high and groceries higher and some old folks may not have enough to pay for such expensive things. So please take this thought into consideration. Now we’re going to get the opinions from some local people. ——————. Now we’re going to talk about our second opinion. Kids should get free schoolcare in kindy because 




asking him / she for something




asking kids/adults what you think that government should provide for your age


Asking Mr Jacobsen, Mr Burt and Mrs. Flavel 


ask a year 7 and year 8 Elijah 


One of the extension classes tasks was to make a possible script for our movie. Jacob, Elijah and I worked together to make the script above.