The Princess and the Ogre



These are 2 characters that you need to write a story about, make sure there is a climax(problem) and an anti-climax(solution).  Use these descriptions to come up with your character descriptions and make sure you describe your setting with detail.


The best narratives build up to the climax, make sure you lead your reader right into it!


Princess Ogre
Beautiful, Adventurous, Smart, Happy, Loved, Lots of family. Smelly, Eats Toads, Unloved, Kind, Helpful, Lives Alone in a dungeon.


Planning Here:

Once upon a time in a land of light and happiness, there lived an ogre. A smelly hideous ogre who lived alone in a Dungeon inhaling a horrible Odour. Then there was a Princess, Her name was Fiona. She lived in a castle filled to the brim with some family members from Berlin. Then one day this ogre said “I will be off to find someone to Bewed” so he went off to find true love while the Princess was high up in the tower above. As she muttered to herself “Should I run off again” her father the king had just walked in. “Hello my daughter, are you alright” he said with a chuckle, “It’s your birthday dear, here have some Truckle”. As the King handed out a round cheese, his daughter the Princess let out a small sneeze. She then looked at him and then with a grin asked the delighted king “Please get my brother Tim” the king did exactly as told, he walked out the door and went for a stroll. Now back to the Ogre who had so much cheer, but when people saw him they ran in fear. 


This ogre began to feel really sad, but then he had become a tad bit mad. But then this ogre smelt a lovely scent, he turned around and off he went. He looked left then to the right and there it was a frog in his sight. He caught the frog and ate it so fast then suddenly behind him there was a blast. A wizard had come with such Powerful magic and what happened next was very tragic. While this was happening Fiona had just decided that she wanted someone to collide with. The princess left the tall tower, climbing also took her an hour. Back to the wizard being quite evil, in front of the castle with a banana peel. He throws the peel at the castle and turns it big, disturbing King Russell. The king shouted and pleaded for the wizard to stop, but the wizard began to hop. The ogre appeared in such a hustle, he broke down the door to the poor king’s castle. Fiona had heard all the commotion, she marched to the front, it was like she drank a speed potion.

But then she regretted coming to the front for the wizard had come to sweep her up. The Ogre saw this and stopped and with a dash punched the wizard back to the tower he once came. After doing this righteous deed he began to transform into a steed. But then into a mighty man with royal clothes, he also had all his fingers and toes. The princess saw this heroic prince and ran straight towards him with great happiness. “I found you, I found you” said the Princess and the story ends with one long Kiss. The End

This was our literacy task, A narrative story about a Ogre and a Princess. We also had to add in a Climax and a Anti-Climax.


Shrek’s about me

Hullo My name is Shrek, I live in a huge tree stump in a swamp in the Kingdom far far away. But I will be moving to a Castle. I am an Ogre with green skin and wonderful ears that stick out. I am as strong as an ox and as tall as a Oak tree. I like to live alone in my swamp except for the bugs that I eat for Nutrition. I have a colossal Roar that can be heard from miles but people are scared of it. I love to eat nutritious bugs but my favourite food is Snails, Fish eyeballs on toast, I like to walk, I also love my Wife Fiona and my little wee Ogres. I also appreciate my friend Donkey, his wife and Puss in Boots.

Today we made an about me for Shrek. We made him look like a good guy by writing. We learnt alot about Shrek.

Term 2 Immersion Assembly

On the first day of Term 2 at Assembly we found out that our Deputy Principal Mrs Nua had returned. But there was a problem, Mr Jacobsen, Mr Burt and Mrs Sorenson weren’t there on the stage. Mrs Nua Called Mr Burt first but was greeted by Mrs McMillian telling us that Mr Burt was busy and wasn’t Available. The next person that Mrs Nua called was Mr Jacobson who had got lost at the bike tracks so we lead him to Tamaki College on Accident then  we lead him back to Pt England. Miss Sorenson got lost on  the field and Mr Burt got lost in the staff room.

Team one said they were going to learn about bee’s and the way they travelled from there hive to a field of gardens then back to the hive. Team 2 said they were going to learn about pirates and how they go to one place and return back to there home. Team 3 said they were working on Scratch a coding program that helps you create mini game’s and learn how to code. Team 4 said they were learning on how to travel through out the whole school and other places. Team 5 said that we were going to code robots and take great care of them.


Willow park trip

Yesterday we went to a place called Willow Park which is a Christian camp for kids. We spent a whole day doing fun activities at the camp and we also went to the beach. Willow park also lended us a inflatable paddle boat to use at the beach. We all enjoyed the activity.
We also got free morning tea and lunch. For morning tea we had mini Quiches and for lunch we had Coleslaw, potato salad, Lamington, fruits and Hot-dogs.
My favourite highlight was the beach and the food because of the swimming and the food was also awesome because well it was delicious. Next time I go back I will go swimming again. 
I am grateful that Mr Burt and Willow park allowed us to stay there for the day. They are amazing people and I can’t wait to see them again. The next fun day we should have is to go to Willow park again. Thank you Willow Park.

Yesterday team 5 went to Willow park and today we were tasked to write what was great about the park. I said my favourite part was the food and the beach. I hope you get to go there one day to experience the same thing we did.

Writing task-The Resurrected Samurai

In a graveyard miles away from New Zealand at nighttime, somewhere in Japan there was a man standing above a grave muttering something non English or Japanese. He wore a straw hat with filthy ancient blue robes and a blunt rusty Katana with a black hilt. This weapon was held in his left hand with a Bo staff in the other hand. The grave he was standing on had been dug up which was creepy.

The mysterious man had his head facing the ground then he lifted his head to look at the mountain scenery. A tiger walks up to him with a menacing look but the tiger looks up to the mysterious man and runs away from him. When the man looked up you could get a clear description of a dead man. 

There were holes throughout his face with rotted teeth yet he still had a beating heart and an operating brain. He started to speak Japanese but the words that came out were strange. What he said was “サムライコードに従わなければなりません” in a deep dead voice. What he said was “Must follow the samurai code” which He kept on saying over and over again. 

What I forgot to tell you was that this man was a General Samurai of old yet he had died 146 years but like I said he had the description of a zombie. Yet somehow he remembered things like the samurai code. The tiger returned to the fallen samurai with a Kabuto helmet. 

There was another Grave right next to the Generals yet it looked like one for an animal the grave stone said it belonged to a tiger said to be the pet of the General. When the moon light shone on the Tigers body holes and worms were seen crawling throughout its body. Stale black blood stains on the tiger’s teeth and on the Kabuto helmet. 

The deceased Samurai takes off his straw hat and replaces it with the Kabuto helmet from the tiger and places it on his head. A shadowy figure is seen in the distance wearing a black dark cloak on one of the hills. The deceased samurai points at the figure then the figure runs away. The tiger chases him but he just vanishes. The Tiger tries to sniff out his scent but fails to seek the figure. He runs back to his master and The Samurai pets him after putting his weapons down. They then look back at the mountains and walk towards the moon, maybe to find civilization. 


On Monday, My literacy class was told to write something based off of one picture with a lot of things. There was a lot to chose from so I took one with a samurai and a tiger. Since I like to make creepy stuff so I made it based off of horror. There was also some mysterious things. I hope you enjoy the read.

Kei te pēhea Koe?

Kei te pēhea Koe means how are you in Maori. The way response you should give is Kei te Koa ahau! Which means I am happy. But you can say other things like Kei te riri ahau which means I am Angry. so you can say a bunch of different emotion words.